Community Bank, N.A. is not responsible for the content, products, or services provided on third-party sites hyperlinked from this program site. Community Bank does not endorse or guarantee the products, information, or recommendations provided on third party sites hyperlinked from this page, and Community Bank is not liable for the failure of products or services offered on those third party sites. You should review the privacy and security policies of a website before you provide personal information. Never provide personal or account information such as personal identification numbers, account numbers, social security number, when submitting online referrals or inquiries for support on this site.
The referral program, YAP site is provided as a public service by Community Bank. All information on this page is considered public information and may be distributed. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited by law. Use of this web site expressly consents to monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, Community Bank may provide that evidence to law enforcement officials.
This site is a secure site and data submitted via the site’s online referral forms or support forms is securely maintained by Community Bank’s incentive program provider RMS Inc. Data is wholly owned by Community Bank and will never be used by RMS Inc. or sold to third parties for marketing purposes.
This special limited-time offer is available for personal and business checking accounts. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer is limited to one incentive per household and does not apply to second or multiple personal accounts.
Upon eligibility, an email will be sent to the email address provided by the client at account opening with instructions to visit a secure reward redemption web site hosted by third party RMS Inc. with a unique redemption code to redeem the incentive of Program participant’s choice (reward options with an estimated MSRP value at or around $10).
Program participants selecting a reward that requires shipping will have item shipped to address provided while submitting their selection within 2 – 4 weeks. In the event the selected item cannot be fulfilled due to availability, the program participant will be provided the choice of a similar option or may choose from reward options available on the redemption site. If selection is not made within 90-days after the email invitation is sent, program participant forfeits the option to choose their reward but will receive an alternate reward with an estimated value at or around $10.00 MSRP. If no email address is provided at account opening, qualified clients will forfeit the option to choose incentive and will receive the alternate reward with an estimated MSRP value at or around $10.00 to the address on the account. Normal minimum opening balance requirements apply. Some of Community Bank’s checking account options accrue interest. Any questions about this offer should be directed to a local Community Bank branch location. Interest will be reporting to the IRS as required by law for new account holders.
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